Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012

Federico Tisi Seminar

From 3/Jul to 6/Jul aspidateam is having the honor to have for a training week Federico Tisi one of the most important trainers of bjj in Europe. On Thursday 5/Jul Federico will give an open seminar in our academy. The seminar is with the Gi and for all levels!

Te prizes are:15 euro per day
                     20 euro for the seminar
                     40 euro for all days ( for aspida members only)
Private lesson are available too :1-2 persons 40euro
                                                 3-4 persons 60 euro
The private are 1 hour and are just technical no rolling!

For more info contact Andreas at  aspidateam@gmail.com
Who is Federico click below to find out

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